Wednesday, 8 May 2013


I feel like I'm in a downwards spiral. Everyday is getting worse. I'm depressed and irate at the same time this morning. I'm going to go over to the MUN career fair, but I already feel defeated. I physically feel like crap, and I emotionally and mentally feel like crap. All I want to do today is go home. My mother and aunt are on their way in town. Hopefully I can have dinner with them.

Am I going to burn out?

Today is also the one year anniversary of my uncle's death who was very dear to my heart. I only aspire to be a fraction of the person he was. He treated me with nothing but kindness and love, as he did for everyone he met. Ladybugs will forever remind me of him as he would give glass ones to everyone he met for good luck. My first tattoo, which I am on a wait list for, will be in his memory.

The news report about the vacancies and cuts to Child Youth and Family Services also pissed me off today. There are already instances of children falling through the cracks, and probably more unknown - but yet they are cutting services. How many poor children are going to be further failed by the system? Sickening. Many have already went through enough hurt and pain, and are already set up for a life time of issues from it, why deepen that? Sick.

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